Monday, November 28, 2011


First let me start of with my 'disclaimer'...this is not directed at one person in particular. At all. Not even two people. It is in general. Actually, I don't need one, if you read this and think it is you or feel guilty, I highly suggest you start being a better friend.

Actions speak louder than words. You can call yourself a best friend or even a friend for that matter. But guess what? That doesn't make you one. If there is anything I learned this weekend, it would be that and, quality is better than quantity. I think I am at a really weird time in my life where all of us are going different ways and figuring out what we want to do with our lives. Some of us want to travel the world, others are getting married or having babies. Then there is me. Working two jobs. Going to school full time. I don't have a lot of time and I know I am not even close to being a perfect friend. I know it. But I treat people how I like to be treated. I don't deny that I make mistakes here or there. You can't 'try' to be a good friend. If you are trying, you are failing. I will say it again, If you are trying, you are failing. You're either a good friend, or you aren't.

I had a complete melt down on Saturday. I got off of work and laid in my bed crying for a solid few hours. I was having a pity party. I text my dad, telling him how I was sick of always putting this effort into things that the other person doesn't seem to care about. He put it so simply, like always.
"Here is what you need to remember...If when we leave this earth and the worst thing people say is that you were always there for them, you were a good friend and lived a good life"

Moral of the story, don't waste you time on people who don't care. Actions tell you if they care. It may be hard to accept they don't care but life is too short to put engery into something that is not there.

Live and let go.

This post is jumbeled, I know it is. A bunch of my feelings trying to fit onto one page. But, the people who are good friends, show you, tell you and you know they do. Put your time and energy into those who care because in the end, those will be the ones who are standing by your side. Forget the rest.

Monday, November 7, 2011


"You know what I think we are most afraid of? Not knowing. Not knowing whether it’s all really worth it. Not knowing if you should give up or keep fighting. Not knowing why you do the things you do; not knowing the purpose. It’s like when you’re little and you touch the stove and get burned, because you didn’t really know that it was hot. Not knowing has always hurt us, from the very beginning."

My lovely Kendyl and I are starting something new...We have until Jan 1 to start opening up and getting used to the idea that not everyone is going to hurt we go :)

Ohh and to catch up a bit:

Nov 5th: Today I am thankful for my mama, she is the most beautiful woman in my life. She is the kindest, sweetest most amazing mama I know. She is my best friend. I ask myself how I got so lucky almost everyday. I love you mama, thank you for everything <3 I can never repay you for all you've done and taught me.

Nov 6th: Today I am thankful for the ability to run. I ran and mile and did a few sets of stairs with my family. It was amazing, I am reminded of how lucky I am for the privilege to run and how amazing it makes me feel.

Today, Nov 7: Today I am thankful for my job. I often complain about having to wake up but I am so lucky to have a job that I LOVE and work with the most amazing people :)

Happy Monday babies!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Today I am thankful for my little cousin Kennedy, the most beautiful little girl inside and out. I can never thank her enough for all the joy, love, smiles and laughter she has brought me.
I love her to the moon and back forever and ever.
Hopefully she still thinks I am cool in a few years ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

today I am...

I saw this on Facebook and I have to play along. I decided my blog was a good place for it. If I am ever feeling un lucky I can look back and remember why my life is so here we go. Now until Thanksgiving, I will tell you what I am thankful for...:)

Today I am thankful for my baby brothers. I know when I was little I wanted to return them, but now I wouldn't trade them for anything. We may not always get along, or agree on things but we will forever be best friends and be there for each other. Everything we go through in life, we go through together. I cant imagine my life without them. I don't know how I got so lucky, but they are the best boys a girl could ask for.

family is forever.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

happiness in the form of a red cup filled with peppermint mocha...

Last night before I went to bed I was playing around on Twitter and realized that today brought RED CUPS. I would say today is one of the best days of the year, but that is a little much :)

Anyways, I got a lot of sleep last night and woke up a few minutes before my alarm; we all know it doesn't happen often and when it does, I am happy. Getting ready, blow drying my hair I text my usual people their good morningggg person replied back so rudely I actually said out loud "wow!", their excuse? They are sick. Ok, I  understand that but what in the fuck did I do to you?

I go about my morning routine, make my drive to Yelm, jamming out to the new Lil Wayne CD. I think I actually smiled this morning, just finding happiness in all of the little things:
1. Waking up before my alarm
2. Being able to fall asleep before midnight
3. Not having crazy racing thoughts before bed (for hours, like the new norm)
4. Realizing my car would be frozen and de frosting it before I went to leave
5. Driving my mamas car and having a seat warmer on this freezing day
6. Listening to awesome music
7. NO traffic
8. Realizing it is my birth month

(good morning so far, right?!)

Then I realized two major things: what puts people in a bad mood? Even if someone pissed in his cheerios, is being an asshole for the day worth it? Think about it, you are wasting a day being "mad". Does life care? HELL NO. Your life is a gift, in fact waking up everyday is a fucking gift.

So two things, watch your attitude and if you can't find a few things to be happy about then you have issues and need help. The fact that you are alive and not dead should be enough to at least smile.