Tuesday, November 1, 2011

happiness in the form of a red cup filled with peppermint mocha...

Last night before I went to bed I was playing around on Twitter and realized that today brought RED CUPS. I would say today is one of the best days of the year, but that is a little much :)

Anyways, I got a lot of sleep last night and woke up a few minutes before my alarm; we all know it doesn't happen often and when it does, I am happy. Getting ready, blow drying my hair I text my usual people their good morningggg texts...one person replied back so rudely I actually said out loud "wow!", their excuse? They are sick. Ok, I  understand that but what in the fuck did I do to you?

I go about my morning routine, make my drive to Yelm, jamming out to the new Lil Wayne CD. I think I actually smiled this morning, just finding happiness in all of the little things:
1. Waking up before my alarm
2. Being able to fall asleep before midnight
3. Not having crazy racing thoughts before bed (for hours, like the new norm)
4. Realizing my car would be frozen and de frosting it before I went to leave
5. Driving my mamas car and having a seat warmer on this freezing day
6. Listening to awesome music
7. NO traffic
8. Realizing it is my birth month

(good morning so far, right?!)

Then I realized two major things: what puts people in a bad mood? Even if someone pissed in his cheerios, is being an asshole for the day worth it? Think about it, you are wasting a day being "mad". Does life care? HELL NO. Your life is a gift, in fact waking up everyday is a fucking gift.

So two things, watch your attitude and if you can't find a few things to be happy about then you have issues and need help. The fact that you are alive and not dead should be enough to at least smile.

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