Friday, September 30, 2011

blast from the past!

Tonight is Yelms homecoming football game. I can't believe I have been out of school for 4 years. So creepy. Where has the time gone? AH. Here are some pictures I found on my photobucket, a little blast from the past :)

Happy Friday.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

oh life.

my life =
family troubles, broken hearts, being sick, moving, packing, class, tons of homework and work
which = stressed.
these things should never mix.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

happy birthday to my main girl.

HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY KENNEDY! I love so much. I am so proud to be your cousin. You are beautiful inside and out, I cant wait to see where life takes you :) xoxoxo love you babygirl.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

back to school.

If I disappear from your lives, here is why:

     Work: 9:00-5:00
     Class: 7:20-10:00
     Work: 9:00-3:30
     Class: 4:30-10:00
     Work: 9:00-5:00
      No class, (thank goodness) homework night
     Work: 9:00-3:30
     Class: 4:30-10:00
     Work: 9:00-5:00

Anyone who says going to school is impossible because they work is a liar. It is possible, I will do it and I will do a good job. I did my set of goals for the quarter last night, I will post them soon...still working out a few things.

Also I highly suggest you all check out google+, I decided to give it a try after I became aware of Facebooks lack of privacy settings with their new layout and I am LOVING it. :)

Happy Thursday sweets! xo

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lots of random business...

Hello lovies.
Happy Monday, if Monday can be happy? I don't know.

This weekend I got to spend some time with my family, on Saturday I woke up early to watch my little cousin Kennedy cheer! She is SO cute. I was so impressed with her skills, she is such a superstar! Then later that day my mom and I shot over to the mall then to the horse races where we watched our little pony run his first race! He got 5th which is pretty good for his first try.

Yesterday we got some bad news on my grandma last night, she has taken a turn for the worse and I am so bummed. What an awful start to the week.

I start school on Thursday and have really mixed emotions about it...I am excited to finally see an end in sight and I am one step closer to finishing one of my biggest goals in life: being a teacher :) whew, I really like the sounds of that! It's been a long, frustrating road but I am so grateful for everything!

This weekend I am running a race for recovery...It's being put on by a local recovery house here in Yelm. I am so excited. Many of you probably don't know that September is National Recovery Month. I think each and everyone of us has been directly or indirectly affected by drugs and or recovery, which is why I think it is important that we all take opportunities such as I am this weekend in supporting those who need our love and support. Speaking of drugs, here is a letter I wrote to drugs a few months ago.
Dear Drugs,

First and foremost, fuck you. I hate you. I wish you didn't exist, in fact, why do you even exist? No one likes you. You ruin lives. You fuck people up. You are evil. You should rot in hell, yes, I said rot in hell. You do no good on this earth. Why are you even here? You are breaking my moms heart and most importantly getting in the middle of my family. Family. MY family. You are causing more hurt that I've ever experienced. Go fuck off. You are making my heart hard. You are causing me to form a brick wall to my emotions. I hate you. I hate that I am letting you even affect me at all. I hate you. I realize that people have a choice to use you, I realize that you don't make people use you but I still hate you and your stupid existence. You have forever changed my thoughts, view and opinions on drugs and I can promise you one thing, I will never touch you. Ever. I hate you. I hope that someday everyone who once used you is cured and can find a new life full of love and God rather than drugs. You are fucked up. You suck people in, I don't hate the people who use you, I hate what you do to them. I have seen it first hand. I am getting repetitive and tired, this letter is stupid. I will never fully understand why you do what you've done to this world, but I wish you could be a fly on the wall in my house...even for just a few hours. You would kill yourself after. I promise. Go somewhere else, but stop bothering people. Please.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rockstar Ronan

Meet Rockstar Ronan:
When I first started blogging I was super busy but wanted to offer you all something to read so I posted a link to the Rockstar Ronan blog where Ronans mommy blogs about her journey: Ronan died of childhood cancer a few months ago and his mommy is on a mission of spreading the word and finding a cure for this awful disease. You can help by buying one of his bracelets! Bracelets can be purchased with a minimum $5 donation but you can donate as much as you like! Your donation to the Ronan Thompson Foundation 501(c)(3) will help wage the battle against Neuroblastoma, support other non-profits, and families who are dealing with childhood cancer, but do not have the fortune of having the support system. Your donation is tax deductible and will help find a cure to this disease. I just ordered mine, you should too...There are three different kinds:

To order one of these awesome bracelets that go to a great cause, you can go to:!/garageboutique

Email her:

Call her store: 480.556.6900

I bet you can guess which one I bought... :)
Anyways, my lovies, get to ordering. Its for an amazing cause and its only $5 (FREE SHIPPING!)- It's the least we can do. ANDDDD while your at it, go vote for her on:

Monday, September 5, 2011

disappointment, really? must you exist?

I realize disappointment is spelled wrong here, but still, you get the point...and if you don't- buzz off.
I hate being disappointed. I freaking HATE it. Today I have been trying to figure out if its worse to be disappointed in someone else or yourself. For the sake of your eyes, my heart and making peoples choices public, I wont go into details but being disappointed in someone has to be one of the worst of the emotions we experience. I cant decide if we as people hold too high of expectations for others or if we just don't fully understand the reality of some people and or their situations? Maybe its both, maybe we don't know people like we think we do, maybe we don't understand them as who they really are so then we are disappointed in who we thought they were, but then why did we think they were different than they really are in the first place? Are you following me? There has to be an explanation for this, there has to be some sort of way to stop creating these expectations. Are they unrealistic expectations? Or are people just immature assholes. 
I don't know.
disappointment, go %^&* yourself.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thank you, Jessica!

My dearest Jess posted this on her blog today and I fell in love...
((Thank you Jess, this is amazing))

What a great quote! I think a lot of the time we try to change people or get them to learn to love (the way we want them to) This is a great reminder that people will be themselves, its up to us to find someone who we dont want to change and love them with all we have...<3

Happy Friday my lovies.
Have a safe and happy long weekend, I know I will ;)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

hello september!

This is going to be a good month...
Here is my horoscope:

Lemonade springs and all kinds of other amazing things are in store for you on the 1st and 2nd, as you discover your very own big rock candy mountain. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to think about everything you've ever dreamed of, because as this month gets started, there's just about nothing that's out of reach for you. Lollipop trees and solid gold paved roads -- there's just plain nothing that's not in the realm of the possible right now! By the 6th and 7th, your boss is in a good mood. Take advantage of this! Those crotchety impulses of yours should be given very little room to maneuver on the explosive 13th and 14th. Take some time to check in with yourself on the 18th and 19th. Have you been getting enough sleep? Make sure you really know what you want before you go get it on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. And take your time with a tough decision on the 27th! Grab your hobo bag on the 29th and 30th. It's time to head back to big rock candy mountain! Your wishes are well on the way to coming true.