Happy Monday, if Monday can be happy? I don't know.
This weekend I got to spend some time with my family, on Saturday I woke up early to watch my little cousin Kennedy cheer! She is SO cute. I was so impressed with her skills, she is such a superstar! Then later that day my mom and I shot over to the mall then to the horse races where we watched our little pony run his first race! He got 5th which is pretty good for his first try.
Yesterday we got some bad news on my grandma last night, she has taken a turn for the worse and I am so bummed. What an awful start to the week.
I start school on Thursday and have really mixed emotions about it...I am excited to finally see an end in sight and I am one step closer to finishing one of my biggest goals in life: being a teacher :) whew, I really like the sounds of that! It's been a long, frustrating road but I am so grateful for everything!
This weekend I am running a race for recovery...It's being put on by a local recovery house here in Yelm. I am so excited. Many of you probably don't know that September is National Recovery Month. I think each and everyone of us has been directly or indirectly affected by drugs and or recovery, which is why I think it is important that we all take opportunities such as I am this weekend in supporting those who need our love and support. Speaking of drugs, here is a letter I wrote to drugs a few months ago.
Dear Drugs,
First and foremost, fuck you. I hate you. I wish you didn't exist, in fact, why do you even exist? No one likes you. You ruin lives. You fuck people up. You are evil. You should rot in hell, yes, I said rot in hell. You do no good on this earth. Why are you even here? You are breaking my moms heart and most importantly getting in the middle of my family. Family. MY family. You are causing more hurt that I've ever experienced. Go fuck off. You are making my heart hard. You are causing me to form a brick wall to my emotions. I hate you. I hate that I am letting you even affect me at all. I hate you. I realize that people have a choice to use you, I realize that you don't make people use you but I still hate you and your stupid existence. You have forever changed my thoughts, view and opinions on drugs and I can promise you one thing, I will never touch you. Ever. I hate you. I hope that someday everyone who once used you is cured and can find a new life full of love and God rather than drugs. You are fucked up. You suck people in, I don't hate the people who use you, I hate what you do to them. I have seen it first hand. I am getting repetitive and tired, this letter is stupid. I will never fully understand why you do what you've done to this world, but I wish you could be a fly on the wall in my house...even for just a few hours. You would kill yourself after. I promise. Go somewhere else, but stop bothering people. Please.
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