Wednesday, June 8, 2011

finals week and little things...

I don't know why I am even surprised that I would get sick finals week, I ALWAYS get sick this week. Last night I finished up my Children's Literature final...I am SO glad that freaking class is OVER. I haven't made great progress on my freaking essays; hopefully tonight I can hammer a few more out. haha. Who am I kidding; I need to steer clear of online classes...

Some food for thought...In my online class I had to read a short story called, The Necklace. In the story, a very poor couple is invited to a fancy ball; the wife of course insists she needs a new dress so her husband sends her with a couple hundred dollars. After finding the perfect dress (and spending all the money) she decides she needs some jewelry to go along with it. Since her husband gave her all the extra money they had in the first place, he suggests she asks her best friend if she can borrow a piece, as the friend is very wealthy. They enjoy themselves and after getting home they realize she has lost the necklace. After finding one just like it, taking out bank loans and working their asses off the next ten years, the friend who let her borrow the jewelry see's her downtown and doesn’t even recognize her because she looks so old and haggard. After a few minutes of their conversation the friend admits to that piece of jewelry was fake...the poor couple spend close to $36,000 and ten year working 'replacing' the lost necklace...

WOW, right?! I don't know if it is just me or if this story makes you really stop and think. Think about what is really important. Was the fancy party even worth it? Was the necklace worth it? If this story doesn’t open your eyes to the mere fact that there are more important things in life than 'costume' things, I’m not sure anything will. There is a lot to be taken from that story, I think. There is so much more to life than social status, some important fancy party, a stupid dress or some dumb fake necklace…So my friends, stop and smell the roses today, so often we get wrapped up in all the little things.

Happy Wednesday

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