Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Today my cousin sent me this quote...He said, I read this last night and it really reminded me of you...
Ahh ha, another blogging moment.

I didn't know what to think when he first told me but I quickly realized that we are all a little selfish, impatient and insecure. Is that a bad thing? Hell no. We all make mistakes and we have our moments where we are all a little hard to handle :) (okay, maybe me more than others, but still!) The last line is really my favorite but something that I personally I struggle accepting. "If you cant handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Of course with my ADD brain my thinking didn't stop here. I started thinking about what people really "deserve"...Now I have confused myself...Let me explain, someone does something bad, a guy hurts your best friend, the most frequent words spoken, "oh don't worry girl, he will get what he deserves." I am guilty of saying this, countless times. BUT this got me also thinking that we forgive people and in that forgiving -- we shouldn't be saying they will get what the deserve because if there is forgiveness what would they deserve? The best. That's a hard one to swallow but after stewing on it for countless hours today and most of my time at the gym tonight, I don't think you can't fully forgive someone until you want the best for them and until you realize that they did in fact make a mistake but it wasn't the end of the world and life does go on...I don't know where else I want this to go but I know I have more to say...sleeping meds must be kicking in.

To be continued...

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