Tuesday, October 4, 2011

hello october :]

An impulse buy is called 'an impulse buy' and not 'a well thought out decision about what you really need in both the immediate and the long term' for a reason. So before you heed that impulse-of-the-moment and land yourself with an expensive and unnecessary item on the 1st and 2nd, consider carefully. Then reconsider. Then go home and think about it some more. In all likelihood, as soon as you step in the door you will realize your living room is complete without a stuffed life-sized plush giraffe doll whose neck is too tall for the ceiling, anyway. If it isn't immediately clear, it will probably become clear after a good night's sleep. Aren't you glad you aren't paying off that credit card charge? By the 5th and 6th -- when you really could use the money -- you'll be pretty thrilled you didn't make that unreasonable long-necked toy purchase. Focus on love on the 13th. A romantic relationship is, by definition, going to involve another person. So be sensitive to their needs on the 14th if you want it to work. Pay attention to your dreams on the 18th and 19th. You're super deep on the 24th. Which isn't always easy. Great news brightens your life on the 26th and 27th. Wrap up the month on the 31st by signing that contract.

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